
Granby Sanitation District is governed by a five-member Board. The Directors are publicly elected officials who must be registered voters of the State of Colorado and either own property within Granby Sanitation District or are residents of Granby Sanitation District. Special district elections are held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of May in every odd-numbered year.
The Board holds its regular Board meetings on the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. This meeting time may change upon proper notification. Special meetings may be called by the Board when necessary. The meetings are held in the Boardroom at the Granby Sanitation District facility at 3493 County Road 57, Granby, Colorado.
The public is encouraged to attend the meetings. in order to have a topic included on the meeting agenda, contact District Administrator, Tammara K. Granger,, ten (10) days in advance of the meeting.